Restricted Securities

Restricted securities are financial instruments that come with certain limitations on their sale or transfer, often requiring buyers to be accredited investors. These securities are typically issued through private placements or other non-public offerings. At Elmnts, restricted securities play a crucial role in our tokenized commodities platform, ensuring that our offerings comply with regulatory standards and provide secure, transparent investment opportunities.

Accredited Investors Requirement: Restricted securities often require buyers to be accredited investors. To become an accredited investor, an individual or entity must meet specific requirements for income, net worth, or other professional criteria – find out more info for how we comply with KYC requirements for this here:

Regulatory Compliance and Elmnts Legal Structure

Rule 144: Restricted securities must be held for a minimum period (usually six months to one year) before they can be sold. There must also be adequate public information about the issuing company, including disclosure of financial statements and business descriptions.

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